Monday AI 🤖 News from Prompt Storm

OpenAI Dissolves Longterm Safety Team, Will AI Create Need for Universal Income?

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Hello reader,

Only a year after announcing it, OpenAI dissolves its team focused on long-term AI risks, AI godfather Geoffery Hinton’s thoughts on the potential need for universal basic income, Google’s 6th gen AI chip, and a few more bits of AI news for you on this Monday.

🗞 AI News

  • OpenAI dissolves team focused on long-term AI risks, less than one year after announcing it.

  • Geoffrey Hinton, the computer scientist regarded as the “godfather of AI” says the government will have to establish a universal basic income to deal with the impact of AI on inequality.

  • OpenAI is rolling out interactive tables and charts and the ability to add files directly from Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive into ChatGPT for ChatGPT Plus, Team, and Enterprise users in the coming weeks.

  • AI has these dangerous Las Vegas intersections in its sights.

  • Is it time to believe the AI hype?

  • Snapchat aims to spend $1.5 billion per year on AI.

  • Google announces 6th gen AI chip, a TPU named Trillium.

  • Britain expands AI Safety Institute to San Francisco amid scrutiny over regulatory shortcomings.

Learn How AI Impacts Strategy with MIT

As AI technology continues to advance, businesses are facing new challenges and opportunities across the board. Stay ahead of the curve by understanding how AI can impact your business strategy.

In the MIT Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Business Strategy online short course you’ll gain:

  • Practical knowledge and a foundational understanding of AI's current state

  • The ability to identify and leverage AI opportunities for organizational growth

  • A focus on the managerial rather than technical aspects of AI to prepare you for strategic decision making

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Jeff & Paul