Monday AI 🤖 News from Prompt⚡️Storm

Developer Turns of Reins to AI, Grok goes Open Source

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Hello reader,

A developer turns over the reins to an “AI engineer,” Apple gives more glimpses of its AI pursuits, Musk’s Grok goes open source, and a few more bits of AI news to start your week off this Monday.

🗞 AI News

  • Developer Steven Hao turns over the reins to AI engineer “Devin.”

  • Apple reveals MM1 AI model. Could it power the new Siri 2.0?

  • Apple in talks to let Google Gemini power iPhone AI features.

  • Elon Musk's Grok AI is finally open source.

  • Plentiful, high-paying jobs in the age of AI.

  • Nvidia in talks to acquire AI infrastructure platform Run:ai.

  • FTC launches inquiry into Reddit's AI deals, ahead of IPO.

  • What Chip Huyen learned from looking at 900 most popular open source AI tools.

  • China is said to fall short of matching US advances in AI.

  • Mercedes begins piloting Apptronik humanoid robots.

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Jeff & Paul