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  • Prompt Storm Friday AI 🤖 News + Prompts For Making Your Writing Better

Prompt Storm Friday AI 🤖 News + Prompts For Making Your Writing Better

Your Own CGI Magic, Medical Breakthroughs, Better Writing Through AI

Hello reader,

We wanted to give you an end-of-week wrap-up on some cool bits of AI news we thought you’d like to be in the loop on and then wanted to show you how you can use Prompt Storm + ChatGPT, Bard, or Claude to help you write better.

AI News

  • Is do-it-yourself CGI movie magic in your future? Linus Ekenstam shares a wild preview on his X for an invite-only app at the moment that’s pretty wild.

  • We’re on the brink of so many amazing breakthroughs. A paralyzed woman is now able to speak through a digital avatar.

  • Midjourney introduces Vary Region editor to select and regenerate specific parts of your upscaled image.

  • Meta now has a bilingual speech and text translator that you can take for a spin.

  • Nvidia’s Q2 earnings pay off BIG.

  • Microsoft might bring AI capabilities to Paint and Photos on Win 11.

  • Meta introduces Code Llama an AI coding tool.

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Using Prompt Storm to Help Your Writing Sound Better

Got something written, but you feel it’s missing a certain something. You can use Prompt Storm along with ChatGPT, Bard, or Claude to help you get some recommendations. From the Prompt Storm lightning bolt pulldown menu, click Writing. Then select Content Writing. Then choose Make This Writing Sound Better. From there enter in what you wrote up. Now, we completely understand that you might not want to use exactly what gets created for you, but perhaps there are some words or maybe phrases it gives you that you hadn’t thought of that might help you take what you’ve written to a new level for you.

Have some types of prompts you’d like us to add to Prompt Storm that could help you with your business or maybe make life easier? Just click here and let us know.

Jeff & Paul