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  • Prompt Storm Friday AI 🤖 News + Social Media Content Creation Prompts

Prompt Storm Friday AI 🤖 News + Social Media Content Creation Prompts

X to Collect Our Biometric Data? Google Duet AI, Social Media Content Creation Prompts

Hello reader,

Crazy to think it’s already the first day of September. Summer kind of flew by for us. It doesn’t seem like anything’s slowed down in AI. Thought we’d bring you up to speed on some of the end-of-the-week AI developments that have caught our eye and show you how you can use Prompt Storm + ChatGPT, Bard, or Claude as a fast and easy way to create some new social media posts for yourself.

AI News

  • More wild stuff we’re seeing of CGI shot on iPhone. We’re still waiting for our invite (hopefully soon), but check out the cool stuff Linus is showing off of this on his X page.

  • Wondering if Instagram and Threads will soon become one? Meta is now showing a carousel of suggested Threads on Instagram to pump up engagement

  • X looks to collect your biometric data.

  • Change in the weather? Google introduces WeatherBench 2 the next level of data-driven weather modeling.

  • X to give you a heads-up on AI-generated images you may be seeing in your feed.

  • OpenAI passes $1 billion in revenue as more big companies get on board with AI.

  • Google adds Duet to many of its apps to be your AI sidekick.

  • An “Algorithm of ThoughtsMicrosoft weaves AI with human-like reasoning. You can read the full paper here.

  • You can stop Meta from using some of your personal data to train generative AI models.

  • What’s that smell? AI predicts chemicals’ smells.

  • Whoops! Gannett to pauses AI story writing goes wrong.

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Using Prompt Storm + ChatGPT, Bard, or Claude to Create Social Media Posts for You

Need to create some social media posts fast? We’ve got a prompt in Prompt Storm to help you with that. When you’re logged into ChatGPT, Bard, or Claude, click the Prompt Storm lighting bolt on the right. Click the Marketing pulldown. Click Social Media. Then click Social Media Creation. From there select how many posts you’d like. The style of writing. What social media platform it’s for and then what the topic is that you want to write about. We’d recommend adding your own flare to what’s creating and editing as needed so it’s in the voice of your brand. But it’s a quick and easy way to quickly add some more content to your socials.

Have some types of prompts you’d like us to add to Prompt Storm that could help you with your business or maybe make life easier? Just click here and let us know.

Jeff & Paul