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  • Prompt Storm now works with Claude & latest AI News

Prompt Storm now works with Claude & latest AI News

Prompt Storm works with Claude, Twitter becomes X, AI video gen gets way cooler

Hello reader,

Hope you’re having an excellent Tuesday!

Thought we’d catch you up on the latest AI news and share the details with you on how you can now use Prompt Storm with Anthropic’s Claude AI chatbot.

AI News

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Join over 10 million people around the world and start building skills in minutes a day. You can try everything Brilliant has to offer for free for a full 30 days. Plus, right now you can get an exclusive 20% off an annual premium membership.

Prompt Storm Now Works with Anthropic’s Claude

Are you using Claude in addition to ChatGPT and Bard? We just got Prompt Storm working with Claude. Once you’re logged into Claude and Prompt Storm, you’ll see the little green lightning bolt for use on the right side of your screen. From there you can use us to send prompts to Claude. We’re big fans of Claude and are impressed by its logic and reasoning. We’ll be adding more chatbots for you to use with Prompt Storm as they become more widely used.

Have some types of prompts you’d like us to add to Prompt Storm? Just click here and let us know.

Jeff & Paul