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Prompt Storm Tuesday AI 🤖 News + more AI Prompts for ChatGPT Vision

Predictions from AI Godfather, ChatGPT Vision Competitor, Vision Prompts to Find Books

Hello reader,

A few things that caught our eye so far this week in the AI world we thought you’d like to know about like thoughts from the godfather of AI about the future, a solid competitor to ChatGPT Vision, and more below.

Then we’ll show you how you can use Prompt Storm + ChatGPT Vison to help you find books like might light on a bookshelf.

AI News

  • Geoffrey Hinton, the godfather of AI, lays out the good, bad….and the ugly of what might be to come with AI.

  • Have you checked out LLaVA? This could be a worthy competitor to ChatGPT’s vision feature. Give it a shot here.

  • Use Bard to find your stuff in Gmail and Google Docs.

  • Can AI predict schizophrenia via hidden linguistic patterns?

  • Google leaders take the stage at HLTH to talk about the transformative power of AI for health.

  • Microsoft may unveil its very first chip just for AI.

  • Pump you up! Will AI be your next fitness trainer?

  • Long-term vs. short-term with GPU capacity.

  • BBC says “no” to ChatGPT scraping its content.

  • New generative AI search capabilities for doctors from Google.

  • Disney’s Loki faces backlash over reported use of generative AI with a poster.

Use Prompt Storm + ChatGPT Vision to Find Books You Like on a Book Shelf

Hopefully, if you’re using ChatGPT, they’ve activated the vision feature on your account now.

If you’re logged in using the default of ChatGPT 4 and you see a little image icon on the left side of your text box, you’re good to go. Thought we’d highlight another prompt we added to Prompt Storm that you can use with the vision feature that's fun and helpful. Standing in front of a bookshelf and want to know just what books on it are in your favorite genre? When you’re logged into ChatGPT, click the green Prompt Storm lightning bolt. Click the Vision category from the pulldown. Choose General Vision. Click Find Books in this Genre. From there choose the genre and upload your picture from the left side of your chat box. Here’s a little video below that walks you right through.

We also added more vision prompts you can use for Architecture Identification, Body Language Identification, Coding from a Paper Sketch, Color Palette Identification, Visual Diagram Explanation, Handwritten Text Transcription, Handwritten Text Translation, and Landing Page Analysis.

We’d love to hear some ways you’ve been using the vision feature just for fun or for your business.

Have some types of prompts you’d like us to add to Prompt Storm that could help you with your business or maybe make life easier? Just click here and let us know.

And, oh, if you’re finding Prompt Storm helpful to you, please consider giving us a review here.

Jeff & Paul