Thursday AI 🤖 News from Prompt Storm

AI Humanoids Speak & Reason, Plans for Sora AI Video

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Hello reader,

Google’s new video game-playing AI, an AI humanoid that speaks and reasons, OpenAI’s plans for its AI video generator Sora, and a few more bits of AI news for you on this Thursday.

AI News

  • GPT-enhanced humanoid speaks and reasons as it works.

  • OpenAI CTO Mira Murati explains the company’s new Sora AI video tool and how it plans to roll it out.

  • Tavus is used by Meta and Salesforce to create “digital replicas.” It just raised $18M to bring AI face and voice cloning to any app.

  • Google’s new AI, SIMA, will play video games with you.

  • Larry Ellison and Elon Musk teaming up to bring AI to farming.

  • Walmart shops its AI software to retailers to diversify business.

  • Amazon adds more AI for its selling partners.

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P.S. Wondering how OpenAI DevDay impacts your business? Let’s talk!

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Jeff & Paul