Tuesday AI 🤖 News from Prompt Storm

Major News from OpenAI , Elon's Grok, Prompts for Better YouTube Titles

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Hello reader,

Wow! What a week already! OpenAI drops some big, big announcements at Dev Day, Elon Musk shows off Grok, and more bits of AI news below that kick off this first full week of November.

Then we’ll show you how you can use our Google Chrome extension Prompt Storm with ChatGPT, Bard, or Claude to help you create better titles for your YouTube videos.

AI News

  • OpenAI just hosted their first Dev Day and had some pretty major announcements. They’re launching GPT-4 Turbo that now supports up to 128,000 tokens, the knowledge cutoff is now April 2023, Copyright Sheild, lower API pricing models for devs, you’ll be able to build your own customized GPTs, make money selling your own GPTs in their GPT Store, and more. We’re big fans of Matt Wolfe of Future Tools and he’s got a great straight-to-the-point video that breaks all of this down for you.

  • Elon Musk finally pulls the curtain back with his anticipated ChatGPT rival Grok.

  • Rum company announces AI robot CEO.

  • The French AI start-up taking on Silicon Valley.

  • Gotcha! ChatGPT detector catches AI generated papers with unprecedented accuracy.

Artificial Intelligence online short course from MIT

Study artificial intelligence and gain the knowledge to support its integration into your organization. If you're looking to gain a competitive edge in today's business world, then this artificial intelligence online course may be the perfect option for you.

  • Key AI management and leadership insights to support informed, strategic decision making.

  • A practical grounding in AI and its business applications, helping you to transform your organization into a future-forward business.

  • A road map for the strategic implementation of AI technologies in a business context.

Use Prompt Storm + ChatGPT, Bard, or Claude to Help You Create Better Titles for Your YouTube Videos

Got a YouTube video ready to go? Need a little extra help coming up with a great title to get more viewers interested? We’ve got a prompt that will help you with that. When you’re logged into ChatGPT, Bard, or Claude click the green Prompt Storm lighting bolt. Choose Marketing from the pulldown. Click Social Media. Then choose YouTube Video Title Generator. From there, choose how many title options you want and what the topic of your video is.

Have some types of prompts you’d like us to add to Prompt Storm that could help you with your business or maybe make life easier? Just click here and let us know.

And, oh, if you’re finding Prompt Storm helpful to you, please consider giving us a review here.

Jeff & Paul