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  • Tuesday AI 🤖 News + Prompts for Cover Letter Creation

Tuesday AI 🤖 News + Prompts for Cover Letter Creation

Easy Still Image Animation, Prompts for Cover Letter Creation

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Hello reader,

Happy New Year to all of you and best wishes for an amazing 2024!

A few bits of AI news to get the year rolling from some of the biggest camera manufacturers, new ways to easily animate your still images, AI and the courts, and more.

Then we’ll show you how you can use our free Google Chrome extension Prompt Storm with ChatGPT, Bard, or Claude to help you craft your cover letter.

AI News

  • Alibaba released Dreamoving. Easily animate with just a single image or text prompt. You can try it out here.

  • Canon, Sony, and Nikon teaming up to fight image fakery.

  • LinkedIn tests new AI learning elements in-stream.

  • Will Google layoff 30,000 as it leverages AI?

  • Chief Justice John Roberts sees the promise and danger of AI in the courts.

  • Will AI create an uptick in cybersecurity threats in the new year?

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Use Prompt Storm + ChatGPT, Bard, or Claude Craft Your Cover Letter

Many of you have let us know how helpful Prompt Storm has been for you in your job searches. We thought we’d spotlight a prompt that can help craft your cover letters. When you’re logged into ChatGPT, Bard, or Claude click the green Prompt Storm lighting bolt. Choose Business from the pulldowns. Then choose Career & Job Search. Next, choose Cover Letter Creation. Then enter the job description for the job you’re applying for and your resume. Once it creates a letter, we recommend finessing it as needed and making sure it has your own voice.

Have some types of prompts you’d like us to add to Prompt Storm that could help you with your business or maybe make life easier? Just click here and let us know.

And, oh, if you’re finding Prompt Storm helpful to you, please consider giving us a review here.

Jeff & Paul

Just ask Notion AI - Get answers. Write better. Auto fill tables. Get Notion Free. (in partnership with Notion)